The Ethos & About Sa Ankh Productions

The Ethos of Sa Ankh:

Living life through the cultivation of higher Knowledge and Wisdom leads to joy and prosperity.

"Welcome you found yourself in a peaceful place, and we wish for you blessings without number". 

By way of introduction, my name is Dr. Kheftusa Akhiba Ankh Ser Au-t Ab and I am the Founder of Sa Ankh Productions.  The essential aim of the platform is to reawaken and cultivate knowledge, wisdom and understanding within the minds of the global African community, which will free the captive African mind by unlocking the inner and outer African consciousness that resides in all of us. In addition, I seek to extol the following three factors that encompass our historical legacy: (i) we are the original people of planet Earth, (ii) we are the Mothers and Fathers of Civilisation, and (iii) the Heirs of the mighty Shepsu (the enlightened ancestors), who mapped and expounded on the Universal Laws of Nature that became the basis for the spiritual culture of the 'HAPI Valley civilisation', which opened the way for the creation of Ancient Khamit. To paraphrase Dr Ben Jochannan’s quotation of the people of Khamit who said, “they came from the foothills of the mountains of the moon where the Neter (God) Hapi dwells”. 

As such, the origins of HAPI Valley culture sprang from the innermost depths of Africa known as Khui-Ta the Land of Spirits and the Home of the Neteru (Gods). Thus, it is our mission to rise like the transformational Bennu bird, and ascend to the heights of Ausar and the indomitable Auset, which will in turn give birth to a new chapter in African History. And thus, ‘as it has been said let it be done’, let’s remove the shackles of enslavement and eradicate centuries of oppression to fulfil the ancient prophecies encoded in the DNA of the first born of mankind.  Let us pledge to restore the tri-unity that resides in the Mind, Body, and Spirit of the primal Africans in order to bring balance back into the World, through the continuous pursuit of the two roads to spiritual enlightenment through the cultivation of a Knowledge of Self and Self Knowledge.      

The Making of an African Man

Dr. Kheftusa Akhiba Ankh Ser Au-t Ab was born into a world that has deliberately hidden the truth about Africans and the majesty of Blackness. As a result, despite being born into a proud Jamaican family, he like most Black people, was deprived of a Knowledge of Self and the required historical or cultural understanding to affirm our African identity. Or in the words of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad, the global African family lost their names, their language, their culture, and their God during the blazing inferno of the brutal oppression that contemporary scholars refer to as the MAAFA (Enslavement).  Hence, despite being an avid reader immersed in books and Greco-Roman history, the future educator grew up blinded by the false trinkets of Euro-centric history that is embedded within the tattered fabric of Western Culture.       

Therefore, after years of miseducation and being stymied by the overt and covert racism attached to the retarded fragments known as Negro or West Indian history; the whispering of the mysterious Marcus Garvey awakened an urge and thirst to Know, more of the enigmatic founder of the UNIA, and his role in stimulating the resurrection of global African Consciousness. And it was this doorway into the secret passages of obscure scholarship that provided the glimmer of light that opened up the cerebral pathways regarding the biological, and cultural significance of blackness.  Finally, circumstances conspired to unleash the thunderbolts and lighting of Sango during a trip and subsequent trips to New York, the Mecca of the African diaspora, which left an indelible mark on Dr Kheftusa Akhiba Ankh’s consciousness.

That and the insightful instruction and guidance from a small but significant cadre of Knowledgeable elders, awakened the slumbering consciousness required to wipe his eyes clean so he could see the truth of the African reality.  As a result, he was introduced to the majestic lecture series called the First World Alliance, in addition to the captivating sermons conducted at the Slave Theatre, whereby our brother was exposed to the teachings of some of the most profound African scholars of the 20th century. This and an illuminating trip to Ghana in West Africa reaffirmed the ancestral and familial bonds, as he stared into the eyes and faces of Ghanaians whose smiles and warm welcomes signalled that he had returned to his ancestral home. Nevertheless, it was the powerful visit to the dungeons of Elmina and Cape Coast Castle that aroused the fire of resistance within the chest of a displaced African longing for a home stolen by the machinations of captors and brutal enslavers! That encouraged him to go back and fetch the lost history and culture of our people. Thus, despite his early struggles within the European educational system, he absorbed the teachings of his predecessors and fearlessly embarked on an educational and intellectual journey, which resulted in being rewarded with a Degree, Masters and finally a PhD in Political Science. 

However, after writing numerous journal articles and books, he realised that freedom, justice, and equality could not be found within the ivory towers of Academia! And so, he chose to walk the pathway of his ancestors and unearth the secrets of a people locked out of the pages of synthetic history and relegated to being footnotes within a falsely constructed narrative! And now we ask you to participate in a mighty quest to find the remnants of Self, where the Lost can be found, and the sleepers will be awakened from the slumber of centuries, in order to expound on the universal laws that possess the healing power to bring peace to a troubled and tumultuous world.

Kheftusa Akhiba Ankh Ser Au-t Ab

Very beautiful and insightful site. I pray that the Divine and the Ancestors bless your mission.

- Prof. James Smalls

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